• Wed 9:
    • infinity is greater than any non infinity values
    • the mistake is, it just checked if the soc >= target soc, but not checked if the value is infinity or not
    • now it works by checking if it greater than target soc and the value is not infinity
    • somehow it takes time to do full simulation for one month, so just check it for 5 simulation days
    • 311
    • Pulp documentation
    • The LP need to be configured to handle driving state
    • Simple principle on using Pulp
      • Expression
        • Constraint: with right hand side sign
          • prob += x + y <= 2
        • Objective: without right hand side sign
          • prob += -4*x + y
    • for the LP, when the car status is on trip, just discharging using driving formulation
      • evcdc = driving discharging formulation
      • cost = just house appliances and solar pv, without evcdc
    • do what you want and do it honestly
    • Let’s see
      • the objective function is minimising total cost
        • the cost consisted of two condition
          • at home
            • house appliances - solar pv + evcdc
          • on trip
            • house appliances - solar pv
      • soc
        • initial condition
          • at home
          • on trip
        • ongoing condition
          • at home
          • on trip
    • EVCDC is referred to charging discharging when the car is at home
  • Wed 10:
    • Amphetamine Mac app could be used to keep Python process running while the screen id sleeping
      • Normally when the screen sleeps, the terminal processes will be paused, that’s why, last night, the process didn’t finish as I wake up and turn on the Mac
    • I think I should run the experiment while parallelly developing the data analytics project, the processing time for one month simulation is long